Privacy Policy

We will ensure to manage appropriately, use and protect the personal information we handle.

1. Personal information provided is under full control by Hydro Technology Institute Co., Ltd. with responsibility.

2. Private information will be by no means used except in cases listed below.

(1)Reply to customers’ inquiry
(2)Corporation introduction being sent when requested
(3)Introduction of newly developed technology being sent
(4)Providing, contacting, and managing the information necessary to provide our services
(5)Other situations except listed above with permission received in advance

3. Private information will be by no means disclosed or provided to a third party except in cases listed below.

(1)Situations that being requested by government institutions based on laws and regulations
(2)Situations under permission by laws and regulations
(3)In the case of providing to our subcontractors, affiliated companies, etc. with the minimum
   necessary information to provide our services
(4)Other situations except listed above with permission received by the customer in advance

4. Contents including proper nouns and identifying information related to person will be confidential at all. Whereas, it shall be free for Hydro Technology Institute Co., Ltd. to use specific information provided in the inquiry form unless usage purposes otherwise being constrained.

5. If the customer requests for disclosure, notification of purpose of use, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, or suspension of the provision of a third party regarding personal information held by the Company, please contact us through the following inquiries.

6. Private information collected on our website is secured by SSL encryption.

Hydro Technology Institute Co., Ltd.
President & CEO